EVGA this week has introduced a new family of entry-level, 80Plus power supplies. Promise to bring together strong performance, a rich feature set, and a relatively low price, EVGA’s modular B5-series PSUs are designed to tick all of the boxes expected for a basic PSU in 2020.

The EVGA B5-series PSU family includes 550 W, 650 W, 750 W, and 850 W models, and are compliant with the latest ATX12 v2.52/EPS12V specifications. Fully modular, the most powerful SKU has six 8-pin PCIe power connectors, the 750 W model features four 8-pin PCIe power plugs, the 650 W flavor has three, whereas the entry 550 W model has two 8-pin PCIe power connectors. Obviously, the PSUs have SATA as well as Molex plugs too. The new power supplies correspond to the 80Plus Bronze requirements, so they are they are mandated to be 81% - 88% efficient under a 20% or 50% load as well as 81% - 85% efficient under a 100% load.

EVGA’s latest B5-series PSUs use 100% Japanese capacitors on 750 W and 850 W models (and some on less powerful SKUs), and feature an no-fan/ECO mode that shuts down the 135-mm fluid-dynamic bearing fan under low and medium loads. In addition, the power supplies feature a comprehensive set of protection technologies that includes OVP (Over Voltage Protection), UVP (Under Voltage Protection), OCP (Over Current Protection), OPP (Over Power Protection), SCP (Short Circuit Protection), and OTP (Over Temperature Protection).

EVGA B5-Series PSUs Output Specifications
  550 W 650 W 750 W 850W
Rated Combined Rated Combined Rated Combined Rated Combined
+3.3V 24 A 120 W 24 A 120 W 24 A 120 W 24 A 120 W
+5V 24 A 24 A 24 A 24 A
+12V 45.8 A 550 W 54.1 A 650 W 62.5 A 750 W 70.8 A  850 W
-12V 0.5 A 6 W 0.5 A 6 W 0.5 A 6 W 0.5 A 6 W
+5Vsb 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W
Total Power 550 W 650 W 750 W 850 W

EVGA’s B5-series power supplies measure 150x50x86 mm, which is pretty typical for mid-capacity PSUs, so they should easily fit into virtually any standard ATX case. And as mentioned earlier, the PSUs are fully modular, so they provide additional flexibility to system builders.

EVGA B5-Series PSUs Connectivity Specifications
Connector type 550 W 650 W 750 W 850 W
ATX 24 Pin 1
EPS 4+4 Pin 1 2
EPS 8 Pin -
PCIe 6+2 Pin 2 3 4 6
SATA 6 9
4P Molex 3
Floppy 1

EVGA’s B5-series PSUs are immediately available directly from the company. The cheapest model, the 550 W version, is priced at $79.99, whereas the most powerful 850 W SKU is priced at $129.99. The power supplies are covered by a five-year warranty, which is typical for inexpensive PSUs.

Related Reading:

Source: EVGA

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  • romrunning - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    Who is making this particular bronze series for EVGA?
  • romrunning - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    Also, your 2nd chart says "NZXT C-Series PSUs Connectivity Specifications"
  • firewrath9 - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    My guess is super flower, as this looks very similar to the G3/G5 which were also OEM'd by Super Flower.
  • Byte - Friday, March 6, 2020 - link

    actually Super flower got too expensive and ended with the G3. The G1+ and G5 are all FSP built now. It is rather hard to get Superflower units cheaply.
  • HowDoesAnyOfThisWork - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    80 Yankee bucks for a 550W 80Plus Bronze PSU? I guess the EVGA fanboys and fangirls are drooling at the news...

    For comparison: a Seasonic Focus GX500 80 Plus Gold costs about EUR 80 here in the EU. (That price includes 19% VAT, which should roughly translate to USD 75 not including VAT.) But then again, Seasonic probably has not the name recognition as EVGA, nor does the Seasonic PSU i mentioned has a 80 Plus Bronze certificartion. ;-P
  • HowDoesAnyOfThisWork - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    (I meant the Seasonic GX550 ATX 2.4, of course. Apples and apples, and all that...)
  • romrunning - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    Seasonic is a well-recognized named by PSU buyers in the USA. If you care enough to want a specific PSU mfg, then Seasonic is definitely a name known to you.
  • HowDoesAnyOfThisWork - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    Of course it is. I assume most, if not all readers of this site, know Seasonic PSUs and the high product quality this brand and manufacturer stands for. I was just trying to be ironic ;-)

    On a more serious note, i checked US price for the Focus GX550 on Newegg to see what it costs in the states. It's quite a bit more expensive (over USD 100) than here in the EU. I don't know, perhaps it's an effect of the US tariffs...
  • JoeyJoJo123 - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    >80 Yankee bucks for a 550W 80Plus Bronze PSU? I guess the EVGA fanboys and fangirls are drooling at the news...

    Note that current US administration has set up trade tariffs for US imports of Chinese products. If the PSU is manufactured in China, chances are EVGA is having to pay tariffs before the cargo can be offloaded onto US soil, and that cost inevitably goes back to the end-customer. Most PSUs (not just this model) have been affected by ~20% to ~30% increases in price or lack of promotions for the past year or so. It's not something we in the US have liked either since we've otherwise just barely started to enjoy a low-cost PC market last year after GPU mining craze died and such.
  • HowDoesAnyOfThisWork - Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - link

    Yeah, i hypothesized in a follow-up comment about the US tariffs maybe being the reason for the price descrepancies between US and EU...

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