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  • Ninhalem - Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - link

    Does this driver tank Folding@Home numbers? The beta of this driver caused my PPD to drop from 110k to 30k, so I have some concern in this area.
  • TheJian - Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - link

    Don't worry, science, nor companies will pay you a dime for wasting your electricity and being NON GREEN anyway. You're wasting your time. Play a game instead, let the pill companies come up with their own stuff on THEIR dime. You get nothing from what you're doing except a higher electric bill. :) This driver just fixes BF4 and Batman perf.

    You are one of the 290,000 people who are wasting electricity on this crap. I'm sure NV doesn't care. Why do you?
    Let them run up their own bills. Donate money to something if you need to feel good. Causing rolling blackouts isn't more of what we need, which is exactly what would happen if another 10mil join you running pc's at 100% all day :)
  • Zythral - Sunday, October 27, 2013 - link

  • overseer - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

    Does anyone know if this R331 driver fixes the freezing and BSOD issues with Fermi (400/500 series) cards?
    I've been having that issue on my GTX 460 and 560 Ti with every WHQL driver above 314.22.

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