27” panels so far have seemed to do better with display uniformity than smaller displays. The larger size requires a more powerful lighting system and in implementing this it has also been more uniform as well. Here the DS-277W does fairly well, with a couple of darker corners causing a drop but most of the screen staying fairly close to the 200nits we are targeting.

With a black screen the uniformity continues to be decent, with light leakage on one side but the rest of the display keeping close to the same as the center. This was a very good result for the black level in comparison to other displays.


Thankfully this performance does carry over to the color uniformity across the screen. It was established that at 200 nits the DS-277W was a good performer, and it looks like that carried over to the uniformity. The lower-left corner is a little off, but the rest are very close to a dE of 2.0 or below which is good. I will admit to being pretty surprised by how good the results were, but it seems that at 200 nits the DS-277W is a good performer.

LCD Color Uniformity

Color Fidelity and Color Gamut Input Lag, Power Use and Video Use
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  • semo - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    You guys need to concentrate a lot more on monitors that have DP. There must be plenty of budget displays out there with DP so why do you keep choosing the ones without!
  • SteveTheWalrus - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    this one was supposed to, but didn't...

    and why should they focus on DP anyways, at least for now its not very common.
  • mczak - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    This monitor has 4 inputs, but only one is really useful for driving it at native resolution (it may or may not work over the VGA inputs but clearly you don't want to do that, and while 2560x1440 is doable over hdmi with newer hdmi standard I've yet to see a monitor which can actually do it, not to mention on the graphic card side almost noone can do it neither). Plus DL-DVI gets out of fashion too - new amd graphic cards only have one such port, not to mention for instance intel igps whose dvi outputs are never dual-link and can drive such resolutions only over DP. So for a monitor of this class the input options are not really useful.
    Not that it matters, the broken brightness handling (inability to control backlight, which both leads to bad picture and higher than necessary power draw) completely disqualifies this device to be taken seriously anyway.
  • cheinonen - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    Right, while the HDMI 1.4 standard allows for higher resolutions, the main issue is that lots of the transmitter chips don't have support for that resolution in them, so most vendors are then stuck designing their own chip (expensive) or sticking to lower resolutions over HDMI. Now that ATI and NVIDIA are supporting it, I'm guessing we will see support for it over HDMI in the future.
  • Menty - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    I've yet to meet a single person who uses DP for connecting their machine to their monitor - and that includes Mac users. Most of them use mini-DP to HDMI/DVI converters. DP is just a fad, no doubt once Apple comes up with the next "best interface ever", it'll disappear like all the others.
  • Fleeb - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    How is DP a fad?

    "...doubt once Apple comes up with the next "best interface ever"..."

    You mean like Firewire?
  • Kaldor - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    I had to laugh when you said this.

    I have a buddy who is a PC user but is going to school for graphics design, video and such. The instructors swear up and down that he needs a Firewire external HD because the all macs have Firewire ports. His home PC does as well, but as I explained to him, he would be screwed if he needed to hook up to any other PC that doesnt have Firewire. I strongly urged him to buy a USB3 enclosure, and tell the instructors to pull their heads outta their ......
  • mtekr - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    ... and now all the portables, minus the 17" MBP, have USB3.
  • futurepastnow - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    And the "Retina" Macbook Pro doesn't have a Firewire port at all.
  • Bownce - Thursday, June 14, 2012 - link


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