
Overall, the Corsair A115 stands out with its impressive performance, especially given its relatively straightforward design. The build quality of the A115 is exceptional, showcasing Corsair's commitment to durability and reliability. However, its retail price of $100 positions it in a challenging spot within the competitive market.

The A115's superior build quality and aesthetically pleasing design are evident. Corsair's meticulous attention to detail and high craftsmanship standards are visible, contributing significantly to its durability and longevity. The A115 features robust materials, including sintered copper for the heat pipes that are soldered on the fin arrays and not just pressed, ensuring both good out-of-the-box performance and long-term reliability. The simple but stout construction of the A115 ensures it withstands long-term use.


The Corsair A115 excels in cooling performance, particularly when dealing with high loads and operating at high fan speeds. However, it shows a slight decrease in efficiency when managing low loads and running at lower fan speeds. While the A115 is not overly loud, it doesn't quite surpass its competitors in terms of noise-to-performance ratio. It performs admirably under demanding conditions but does not lead the pack in scenarios that require a delicate balance of minimal noise and cooling effectiveness.

In conclusion, the Corsair A115 CPU cooler is a solid choice for those seeking a well-built, reliable, and high-performance air cooling solution. Its design focuses on ease of use and durability, making it a dependable option for various computing needs. However, its high retail price of $100 is a notable factor that affects its competitiveness in the market. The cooler could present a more compelling value proposition at a lower price point or if it included advanced features such as top-tier MagLev fans. While its performance and build quality are commendable, the pricing positions it as a premium choice, potentially limiting its appeal to a broader audience.

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  • meacupla - Monday, January 22, 2024 - link

    I'm confused as to what the main selling point of the A115 is. It doesn't offer any tangible benefit over a D15.
    No, not even those maglev fans are an enticing selling point.
  • erotomania - Monday, January 22, 2024 - link

    "however, we hoped to see MagLev fans included. "

    What MagLev fans? :)
  • meacupla - Monday, January 22, 2024 - link

    I admit I misread that part.
    IMO, FDB is better than maglev.
  • ballsystemlord - Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - link

    Out of curiosity, why? What evidence did you use to form that opinion?
  • meacupla - Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - link

    it's purely anecdotal.
    At the top it doesn't get any better than Noctua's SSO bearings with Styrox fan.
    Just below Noctua, there is Nidec/NMB FDB used in various designs.
    Corsair's maglev sits in the marketing hype wagon. Better than DBB, SBB, or sleeve, but not as quiet as FDB.

    Maglev bearing is a good idea in principle, but it's not beating 20+ years of refinement that FDB has gone through.
  • Maksdampf - Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - link

    As far as i know Maglev is a Marketing Name by SUNON, one of the biggest Fan manufacturers in the world and has beend around since at least 20 years (1999 in fact). I have had Sunon Maglev Fans on my Pentium3 already.
    Corsair is just copying old and proven taiwanese tech here for which the Patents probably expired just recently. But they are not only copying the tech but also the Brand line "Maglev", which i find quite impudent. If Sunon hat their brand names protected well enough in the US, they would have a really good case here against the worlds biggest Brand of riddiculously overpriced Fans.
  • meacupla - Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - link

    I know of Sunon. I hated their fans because they were always loud at the bearing level.
    If Corsair copied their maglev bearing design, they sure haven't improved upon it.

    If you are that familiar. Back in the P3 days, the fan to get was Panaflo Low/Med model with their hydrodynamic bearings. Although NMB and Delta existed back then, they were not a good choice for desktops at the time.
    If you would also remember, HDB was such a game changer, that it spawned a bunch of copies that didn't infringe on Panasonic's patent for it. This includes SSO and FDB.
  • HideOut - Wednesday, January 24, 2024 - link

    And if Sunon didnt get sued by train companies that started maglev what, 40 years ago?
  • MamiyaOtaru - Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - link

    got 6 Corsair maglev fans in my computer. In a couple years two of them have started grinding, becoming unbearably loud. Replaced one, will do so with the second soon. By contrast, the 6 FDB fans in my computer from 2007 are all still going and sound fine, though there's one that I have to start spinning manually now (won't start itself) after which it spins fine. All in all a lot better result.

    Might just replace all the maglev fans with FDB instead of waiting for the next one to croak
  • MamiyaOtaru - Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - link

    my old FDB fans are Scythe S-Flex fwiw. Not made anymore afaik but I'm sure there's something equivalent, from them or someone else

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