How a PVR Works

Despite the fact that you can buy a set-top PVR for well under $400, the process of simply “pausing live TV” is quite complicated and very hardware intensive. So before we delve into Microsoft’s hardware requirements for MCE let’s go through how a PVR works.

Let’s say you get all of your TV channels through a standard coaxial cable; the process is very similar with satellite dishes and cable boxes but for simplicity sake we’ll just assume we’re talking about a regular cable feed.

The cable feed is plugged into a coaxial input on the PVR that is controlled by a TV tuner chip; on a PC this would be found on a TV tuner card. After selecting the channel to watch, the TV tuner then hands the signal off to the PVR’s MPEG-2 encode engine. The MPEG-2 encode can be done via a dedicated processor or in software and handled entirely by the host CPU in a PC based PVR. As the stream is recorded it is buffered and written to the PVR’s hard drive, which means that as long as the PVR is on it is always writing streams of data to the hard drive.

If you’re doing more than just recording a show, as in you are actually watching it while it is being recorded, then as the data is being written to the hard drive it is also being read and fed into a MPEG-2 decode engine. Since a good amount of the MPEG-2 decode pipeline is already done on today’s GPUs, the process is usually not very CPU intensive and is split between the host CPU and the graphics hardware – at least in a PC; a set-top PVR may have a chip dedicated to MPEG-2 decode.


After the MPEG-2 stream is decoded from the hard drive it is then sent off to a TV encoder before it exits the PVR through a S-Video or other video output cable to your TV. On a PC based PVR the MPEG-2 stream could even bypass the TV encoder and be sent directly to an application for display on a monitor.

With this in mind, realize that when you’re “pausing live TV” the process doesn’t actually stop. The TV encoder may only be displaying a single frame from the hard drive, but the rest of the PVR process must continue so that when you hit pause again you haven’t lost any data. The hard drive is always being hit, the memory is constantly being read from and the CPU is forever encoding – you can already begin to see that something as simple as a digital VCR would take some serious hardware to implement properly.

A PC based PVR would require a very fast CPU, high bandwidth (and low latency) memory subsystem and very fast I/O. Slowdowns would be unacceptable; if the hardware isn’t able to keep up with the demands of the entire recording/playback process then you end up with recordings that stutter, have garbled audio or worse.

Then we have the problem of maintaining stability; while today’s PC hardware has matured considerably even compared to what was around just a couple of years ago, stability is a very serious concern. With such great stress being placed on most of the major subsystems in a PC (CPU, memory, I/O), a single failure in any one of them could interrupt your viewing or recording. Who wants to explain to a room of people why they need to “reboot the TV” because it crashed? Drivers become more important than ever as managing the interaction of all of this hardware must be done flawlessly, not to mention that the OS must be robust as well.

We can say with reasonable confidence that with a Windows XP Professional base, the OS side of things is taken care of. But what about the hardware itself? What about drivers?

Microsoft’s solution to the problem is actually twofold…

Introducing Media Center Edition MCE's Hardware Requirements
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  • GreyMack - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - link

    Excellent review, but I don't think it was harsh enough.
  • baboon68 - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 - link

    Well, if nothing this article shows that MCE is NOT capable of settling comfortably the living room for a variety of reasons. MCE does not do away with the windows menu and the instability/driver issues. The HP box is certainly worse than a custom assembled Shuttle SSF or Ahanix box. The latest ATI Multimedia Center software in conjuntion with an RF (not IR) control is also quite close to the MCE experience - I have one and it works quite well on a cheaper Athlon 2K+. ALso free/cheap updates to the ATI software can only make it better - never mind the HDTV capability using the 40$ adapter. And last bat not least, if I look at the additional capabilities of Freevo or MythTV (Weather, RSS feeds, MAME, etc.). Also missing - at least from the article - is a discussion of: support for people outside of the US, possible DVB-S card support, external IR Transmitter support (to control a Sat receiver box), and more.
    I think the MCE is at best another flawed attempt by Microsoft to market beta quality software at a loss or at the expense of hardware integrators to gain market share in the Tivo market.
  • Anonymous User - Monday, October 20, 2003 - link

    After reading this article I'm not clear why the author thinks MCE is preferable to alternatives like ATI All-in-Wonder, which sounds like does the same things and is more flexible what computers it will work with. In particular, the author says the MCE interface is significantly better than ATI but doesn't adequately explain why. Also, the ATI remote will work without line-of-site required and can control the computer mouse, which MCE can't. Seems like ATI is a better deal.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - link

    Do the same thing for free
  • Anonymous User - Friday, August 29, 2003 - link

    This is a great review. Will a Dual processor xeon machine combat the stuttering? i presume its compatible as its xp pro based.
  • Anonymous User - Monday, August 11, 2003 - link

    Thank you, AnandTech! Your review is extremely helpful, as it debunked some of the myths of Windows Media Center. Plus, it gave me inside look of the machine I'm looking to buy.

    Still, I have one question: About the "skip" function, when you skip 30 seconds ahead, does the machine record the commercials also or does it only record the areas not skipped? If it doesn't, is there some kind of software that can erase the commercials?
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - link

    yeah basically
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, July 17, 2003 - link

    So, the the final word is the MCE is just Xp pro plus PVR right.. ???
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 12, 2003 - link

    This is a great review. It explains every aspect of this Media Center PC in great detail. I have looked all over the internet to find a review like this and this is the only one I could find. Thanks alot. This will make me even more jealous to buy it since I am planning to purchase one.

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