Alpha P7125 w/ YS Tech fans
When Alpha first entered the market with their P125, everyone was amazed by the sheer size of the heatsink. Since that time, Alpha heatsinks have been extremely popular among overclockers. Their latest heatsink for Athlon CPUs is the P7125, which is about as big as the famous P125, but in one corner of the heatsink, the fins are a bit shorter, for better motherboard compatibility. This means that, despite the large size of the heatsink, it will still fit all popular Athlon motherboards. However, the heatsink might block one DIMM slot on some motherboards (e.g. on the rev. 1.04 K7M).
The major problem with Alpha fan/heatsink combos has always been that they are quite expensive. For this reason, most retailers who sell Alpha heatsinks don't buy entire fan/heatsink combos from Alpha, but instead buy only the heatsinks and sell them together with cheaper fans - usually YS Tech fans, supplied by Global WIN. For the customer, this is not necessarily a disadvantage, since the YS Tech fans are more efficient than the Sanyo Denki fans Alpha is using (26 CFM, as opposed to 20CFM) - but they are also much louder. We're reviewing both versions - let's have a look the P7125/YS Tech combo first:

A view from the back:

An interesting feature of the P7125 is the embedded copper plate in the bottom of the heatsink. This copper plate was first introduced by Alpha with their P3 heatsink P3125. With SECC2 CPUs, it is obvious that such a copper inlay makes sense - since the contact area between heatsink and CPU is very small, the copper plate helps the heat to spread out over the entire heatsink base. But does the copper plate also make sense with an Athlon CPU, where the contact area between CPU and heatsink is very big? To find this out, I took a P125 and cut off the fins in one corner in order to create a heatsink that is identical to the P7125 - except that it doesn't have the copper plate. This modified P125 did not perform as well as the P7125, so even with Athlon CPUs, the copper embedding improves performance. The performance gain achieved through the copper embedding is even more significant if you remove the Athlon's thermal transfer plate and mount the heatsink directly on the CPU - but that requires time and skill; you'll have to modify the heatsink, and you'll have to install "spacers" to cool the cache chips.


The heatsink comes with a small tube of Alpha thermal grease -- maybe not the best grease there is, but better than thermal pads.

The P7125 is also sold under the name "3dfxCOOL AlphaK7HO."

The fans

The fans that most retailers sell along with the P7125 are identical to the ones used on the Global WIN VOS32, so all fan-related comments made in the VOS32 review also apply to the P7125/YS Tech combo. To make it short: Good performance but very loud.
The Alpha heatsink was tested with fans blowing away from the heatsink - this is how it is recommended by Alpha (for a reason - mounting the fans in a way that they will blow towards the heatsink will decrease performance).


Installation takes a lot more time with the P7125 than with other heatsinks. The heatsink comes in totally disassembled form, but with a small "manual" that explains installation. The P7125 is attached to the Athlon using self-tapping screws, which will tap themselves into the holes of the Athlon thermal transfer plate. Under normal conditions, this screw mounting has no advantages over a good clip, but if you're planning to add a peltier element to the heatsink, then this is easier with a heatsink that is mounted using screws.


Thanks to the big heatsink, with its copper plate and the highly efficient YS Tech fans, the P7125 provides excellent performance - definitely a very good choice for overclockers. However, it is very loud and very heavy (560 grams!) - a heavy heatsink means that there will be a lot of mechanical stress on the motherboard if you're moving your PC around.
Also, the Global WIN VOS32 provides the same performance (and greater versatility) at a much lower price.

Alpha P7125/YS Tech at a glance
Fans: Two 60x25mm YS Tech
Fan rpm (measured): 4450
Weight: 560g (!)
  • very good cooling performance
  • high price
  • very heavy
  • blocks one DIMM slot on K7M
  • very loud
The Global WIN VOS32-plus Alpha P7125CM60 w/ Sanyo Denki fans
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